Friday 9 August 2013

Pay no attention to the man behind the erm...sliding doors

With the brickwork and plasterboard done, that's just about all the structural work completed, now on to the finishing.

The carpenters returned and initially made a start on the soffit boards and above window fascias, but once the internal woodwork arrived they left them unfinished to get the internal woodwork done, presumably there is more work that's potentially held up by the woodwork than the soffits

One thing we do have in this house is lots of storage space The garage has full width shelves, one wall of the Utility room is filled with shelving, there's a utility cupboard, and the butlers pantry.

We have also had the wet areas sealed in prep for the fitting and tiling, so should see some more activity there soon.

Given that this is now the end of the 7th week, we were quoted 11-16 week depending on weather and their were no weather delays, its optimistic that we could be looking at moving in a months time, we still need to sort out a concreter for the drive, the blind supplier needs to come in and do a measure up, plus there is the landscaping to sort out.... lots to be done!


Patio now cleaned up
Bath (without bath)
En Suite Shower
linen closet
Garage store

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