Friday 17 May 2013

Colour Selection Done

Again, that was easy

Since the start of this project the colour selection has always been a point of trepidation, and stories about how we may need to allow two 3 hour sessions have not been encouraging... so today we went to Robina to do the colour selection, and 2 hours later it was done!

All credit should go to our consultant (I generally avoid mentioning names), she really knew the options and had prepared beforehand... unfortunately she did have an old drawing, but the changes were minor.

It certainly pays however to prepare beforehand, if you turn up to this place with no idea of what you intend then prepare for the long haul, I can strongly recommend spending some time going through builders show homes and getting a good idea of what you like and what you don't

Due to the site covenants we had actually done most of the exterior specification beforehand, and again we spent a good deal of time looking at the finishes of other houses on the estate that were built to the same covenants, Coral will supply you with a list of standard options beforehand, so coming to the selection meeting with a basic exterior design should be pretty easy.

We did raise a variation of the door and the wooden porch pillar, these were originally specified as painted and we much prefer stained, and changed the door glass to opaque.

The kitchen was probably the biggest challenge, our selection of a bright red splash back tile, and an otherwise grey colour pallet, left very few suitable options for cupboards, had we gone with a beige pallet then the number of options would have been much larger, but as it stood with the choices we have already made then white ended up as the best choice, not necessarily a bad choice, just when your faced with a wall of several hundred colour options then picking basic white seams er......unimaginative, however when you look at it alongside the splash back and the Ceaserstone top we think it works well.

Most of the other colour selections were fairly uneventful, Jill decided she wanted a red worktop in the laundry, (I envisaged something whiteish), but red it is.

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