Monday 1 July 2013

Slab poured Tomorrow

Today we were expecting the form work team to finish the boxing in of the slab, but when I woke this morning the weather was terrible, and I felt resigned to it being delayed.

On my way to work I drove past the site only to see a van parked on the verge and a rather dejected looking tradie staring out at the dismal weather.... don't blame you mate!

However later in the morning I got a text from my wife saying that the waffles were in already, and in teh afternoon she sent me some pictures of the finished formwork.....

So take a good look, this time tomorrow all this will be under 4 inches of hardening concrete, and baring major earthquake should never seen by human eye again!

BTW got to take my hat off to the guys who got this finished, it really was a shitty day to be working outside, and I am really happy to be the guy paying to get it done rather than they poor sod paid to get this done in such dismal weather!

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